The NHSScotland National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) was first published on 13 January 2012, by the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO (2012)1), and updated on 17 May 2012 (CNO (2012)1 Update).

The NIPCM provides IPC guidance to all those involved in care provision and is considered best practice across all health and care settings in Scotland.

The re-launch of the NIPCM by the CNO on 11 July 2022 emphasises the ongoing importance of application of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance within health and care settings across Scotland.

Video of Chief Nursing Officer re-launching the NIPCM

Find out more about the NIPCM

You can find out more about the NIPCM by watching the animation or going to the About the manual webpage.


When an organisation, for example health and care setting, uses products or adopts practices that differ from those stated in this National Infection Prevention and Control Manual, that individual organisation is responsible for ensuring safe systems of work including the completion of a risk assessment approved through local governance procedures.


Responsibilities for the content of this manual

ARHAI Scotland must ensure

Stakeholders of the ARHAI Scotland programmes must ensure

Responsibilities for the adoption and implementation of this manual

Organisations must ensure: